aH of smiles and tears: March 2005
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
stella stopped your world at 6:11 PM

HAPPY EASTER friends!!!!!

do u know that william blake poem?

To see a world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower,
Hold eternity in the palm of your hand
And infinity in an hour.~

i thought of it this morning.. the song below was
written by this lady when she found out her husband
had only 21 more days to live..
i know ashley knows it! :P

Hymn of Promise

by Natalie Sleeth

In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree;
In cocoons, a hidden promise: butterflies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of winter there's a spring that waits to be,
unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

There's a song in every silence, seeking word and melody;
There's a dawn in every darkness, bringing hope to you and me.
From the past will come the future; what it holds, a mystery,
unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

In our end is our beginning; in our time, infinity.
In our doubt, there is believing; in our life, eternity.
In our death, a resurrection; at the last a victory,
unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

This is a beautiful song that we sang at sunrise service;
the last stanza especially speaks so strongly of our hope in the future-
of eternal life, because
Jesus died
in doing so, He paid the price for our sins
and rose again.
in doing so, He proved He was God, and He gave
the opportunity to have eternal life.

Monday, March 21, 2005
ashlet stopped your world at 5:37 PM

It was so nice to wake up to bodies strewn across my living room floor in varying states of comatose. Needless to say it looked like a warzone, with fallen comrades, debris and all, after our lovely little sleepover, which fortunately or unfortunately turned into a SLEEPover. I, for one, am sorry for knocking out so early.

But it was so gooooood to see all of yoooou! Well, almost all of you. No, that's not right. It was good to see those whom I saw. To those who were absent: shame on you! (littlemich imagine me shooting daggers in your direction I haven't seen you in ages!)

We really have to keep doing this, sooner or later all those who've been MIA for a while will show up (yina? susu? sun? xiangwei-actually I see you but only when we club. micht?)..

It was especially nice to see brendy! oh brendy how I've missed poking you! I miss your raahs and grunts, the whole assortment of weird noises you used to make in class! I even miss your incessant tapping/drumming/knocking on everything in sight.

fyi: brendy makes very nice potatoes stuffed back into their skins (I know it doesn't sound terribly appetizing when I put it that way but that's really what he does!)

Surprises for the night included JOY! Oh Joy, it really was a joy to see yooou! And my darling lizbird who said she couldn't come but made it in the end and I finally got to tell her the whole story :)

All in all it was simply brilliant. Hip hip hurray!

Now I really must get back to work. Yes, I'm working again. Oh great tragedy.

Friday, March 18, 2005
joshy stopped your world at 12:39 AM

choi all my ranting got erased by lousy blogspot. oh well guess its for the best anyway,wasnt v pleasant i guess.

anyhow the point. this saturday, yes thats day after tomorrow. there will be a sleepover/stayover/whatever you wanna call it, except this time i promise there will be less sleeping. yep so keep it free, if your'e busy, or cant make it for whatever reason you have, doesnt matter. those who really really wanna go will be there.. simple as that, thats what i've always believed. and for those who really cant make it, there'll be another time. i promise.

because this class will never die. especially for those who want to keep it alive. so... saturday night.

saturday night. (details to be confirmed)

**erh haha looks like it wasnt erased. oh well, will leave it there.

im sick of it. just plain sick of it. why is it that i feel like i'm the only one who truly believes that with hope and perserverance, things will work out. hope plays tricks on you, leading you on, only to let you down, and then pull you up when you least expect it. but you gotta keep plugging away, for there's just this part of you that refuses to give up, refuses to let all that effort go to waste. and you just keep investing more and more and more. kinda like how a yoyo only continues its up and down motion due to the effort you put into keeping it alive. and thats how life works.

so, sick of it or not, you gotta keep trying, you gotta keep plugging away. for thats the only way the spirit will live on.

so. yep thats right. keep this saturday free, because like it or not, whether you're busy or not, i dont give a fuck. there's gonna be a sleepover, okae not sleepover. stay over, at someone's house. could be ashypoo's house, or chewie's house, or maybe not even a house. but its gonna happen, and if you cant make it, dont worry there'll always be another time. the spirit will never die.

i wont let it.

Saturday, March 12, 2005
sugah~plum stopped your world at 3:27 AM

haha still aching boggle. i'm so unfit O_O just hope it goes away by sunday night/monday... i hate working while in this state had to limp everywhere today and grimace up and down the stairs. but today was a rather good day despite the pain, had nice supervisors and nice people to work with etc. its these good days which would make me stay, except that the reasons for going are much stronger. 2 majorly annoying people, 1 more than the other, lots of the nice people are leaving anyway, lazy(sigh.), and going to have camelot dance pracs and driving lessons(hopefully). and sick of the place. so i shall start looking for another job soon... after applying for everything which i umm haven't started -_- i would actually like to work at haagen daaz for a while, scoop ice cream (yay i love that. and love to eat it even more though haha.), but the pay is absolute pittance. but it might be worth it to be in such close proximity to so much ice cream. ben and jerry's is still the best though, yummy. just had a bit of cherry garcia... its so nice! yay. ohwell see how anyway. haha anyone know of any good job do recommend yeah ;p haha. hmm getting sleepy and late... uhm. goodnight starting to fall asleep in front of the comp! haha. once again. byeeee

Saturday, March 05, 2005
joshy stopped your world at 6:32 PM

hey hope everyones fine and dandy.. =p can someone pls provide the class pic we took at prom night.. since ppl wanna change the pic, i think that would be a nice (and fresh) look =p

anyhow since all the guys are gonna PoP soon, and the rest will be going in soon, can we have like some class thing on like wednesday night? considering tt xiangwei is going in on friday, and howard around then too right? i know mambo sounds attractive... but seriously, with all the botaks there? :p haha anyway lets do something k! wednesday, keep it free =p