aH of smiles and tears: November 2003
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Thursday, November 20, 2003
taika stopped your world at 12:49 AM

hi where has everyone gone? dont die on me you all have party to attend on friday. anyone wants to do anything anytime anywhere? anyone?

Tuesday, November 18, 2003
stella stopped your world at 12:02 AM

hi. this is the new calling system, which jon will say, will be used to DISSEMINATE information.

it's called, LL 3 J (say it aloud and it sounds cool)

LL - Luke Leong, our esteemed class representative :)

3 J - JON, JOY, and joshie :P (that's how he would have liked me to introduce him, i think.)

any messages that need to be passed will be transmitted to LL (sms, email, icq, brainwaves, cheese sauce, etc.)

LL -> 3 J as well as Yi Na, Sulynn, Jennifer,
Jon -> Justin, Howard, Caleb, Liz, Dawn
Josh -> Michelle Teo, Michelle Lee, Alvin, Brandon, Sunitha
Joy -> Xiang Wei, Stella, Ashley, Mel, Eugene,

Tadah!! or is it, Ta :D ah!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2003
david stopped your world at 8:46 PM

i love you guys.

Monday, November 10, 2003
xincity stopped your world at 10:30 PM

stella, stella, stella. your puns just get weirder and weirder. just where do you store your sense of humour? must be some huge place where the inside is bigger than the outside.
i concur. ybr was damn good. kudos to ashley for her absolutely fantastic dancing and to micht as the funniest witch on stage that night. the performance was great. really enjoyed it.
to ong jon in particular, sorry i didn't sit with the class... just that nana already 'choped' seat for me with the canoeists so... yeah. not that i don't love you all. AH power.
since OP for PW begins this wed, let me wish everybody the best of luck, a lack of sore throats and the ability to speak decently. knowing my speech inpediment, i am rather worried about pulling down my group's marks. i hope i don't. i wish for everyone equipment that doesn't die on them and nice examiners. let's go people. last lap of the crappy stuff before the j1 year is done.

Sunday, November 09, 2003
stella stopped your world at 11:51 PM

since my beloved class has refused to react to my previous post,
i shall deposit the joyous ah memories tonight has presented in this little corner.

COS SHE TASTES FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*swoonz* yes yes, yellow brick road really rawKed. :P

Monday, November 03, 2003
stella stopped your world at 10:48 PM

This has been my all-time favourite song.
i tried to sing it when we studied french rev but... oh well...
i sang it in the paris of versailles too..haha.
allan sherman is one funny guy :P
remember camp grenada?

You Went The Wrong Way, Old King Louie
by Allan Sherman

Louis the Sixteenth was the King of France in 1789.
He was worse than Louis the Fifteenth.
He was worse than Louis the Fourteenth.
He was worse than Louis the Thirteenth.
He was the worst since Louis the First.
King Louis was living like a king, but the people were living rotten.
So the people, they started an uprising which they called the
French Revolution, and of course you remember their battle cry,
which will never be forgotten:

You went the wrong way, Old King Louie.
You made the population cry.
'Cause all you did was sit and pet
With Marie Antoinette
In your place at Versailles.

And now the country's gone kablooie.
So we are giving you the air.
That oughta teach you not to
Spend all your time fooling 'round
At the Folies Bergere.

If you had been a nicer king,
We wouldn't do a thing,
But you were bad, you must admit.
We're gonna take you and the Queen
Down to the guillotine,
And shorten you a little bit.

You came the wrong way, Old King Louie.
And now you ain't got far to go.
Too bad you won't be here to see
That great big Eiffel Tower,
Or Brigitte Bardot.

To you King Louie we say fooey.
You disappointed all of France.
But then what else could we expect
From a king in silk stockings
And pink satin pants.

You filled your stomach with chop suey.
And also crepe suzettes and steak.
And when they told your wife Marie
That nobody had bread, she said
"Let 'em eat cake."

We're gonna take you and the Queen
Down to the guillotine,
It's somewhere in the heart of town.
And when that fella's through
With what he's gonna do,
You'll have no place to hang your crown.

You came the wrong way Old King Louie.
Now we must put you on the shelf.
That's why the people are revolting, 'cause Louie,
You're pretty revolting yourself!

heya guys..it's been quite some time since i've last posted any entries huh.. i guess we've all been caught up in the whirl of after-exam activities and stuff..Oh well... the reason i'm here to post an entry today is because i am extremely SICK AND TIRED of seeing the same few entries everytime i enter the class blog page with the hope of seeing some new entry by some OTHER person.

Ok. Well today i have decided to talk about one of my particularly favourite subjects, and no for once i don't mean myself. I have chosen today, to talk about a subject that despite hundreds and even millions of centuries of intensive study, seems to have no progress of any sort with regards to this fied of study. This study would, if you all have not guessed by now, the study of the male counterpart or women as whole.

You see, women these days are no longer like the women before. They have (unfortunately for us guys) evolved and transformed into more complex species than ever before (if that is ever possible in the first place.) Now before i actually proceed to expound on this subject further, you might be wondering what exactly brought about this you know, sudden inspiration to dedicate an entire blog entry to them. Well, i had just finished reading the sunday NEWpaper and another one of my favourite magazines, (containing the letters M H F), and it set me thinking of women in a separate light as before.

Women nowadays are more ferocious, both physically and mentally. Why do i say so, one might ask? Well you see, long before your time and mine as well, all we men had to do when selecting our ladies, was to hit them on the head with our clubs and drag them by their hair into our caves. Is that the case now? I don't think so. Rather, there seems to be a reversal of roles are more ladies are HITTING ON MEN AT CLUBS these days.

Anyhow, i would really love to continue further but as usual...i need to do work now.
Be assured though, that i would be back.

AH rocks. i think.

Sunday, November 02, 2003
stella stopped your world at 10:51 PM


grr! who changed our blog title to acts of horror??? is it some halloween theme or something?? hahaha...or in line with haunted house??

or is it jus me being blur? cos i always thought it was..ats of honour...


AH BABIES here i come!!!

Saturday, November 01, 2003
sugah~plum stopped your world at 11:22 PM

hello everyone... how are you guys? quite sad that i haven't been able to take part in any of the ac games or go out with you people, because i've been totally tied up with drama. but nvm, we can always still go out after that right :) and yeah i think the class made a great effort in ac games, was fun right? i would have loved to play bridge, damn d: and sulynn umm that time there was an influx of posts because it was promos. and now its -after- promos... well maybe we're busier now (?) and erm. tend to slack more when we should be studying. lala oh ah let's keep it up with the fundraising hope its successful and we raise enough to substantiate the cost of the haunted house :) go ah. i've got an idea for the haunted house, but not sure if anyone wants to hear it or if it will be popular. its kind of... unconventional. okay nevermind i'm too tired to expound on it anyway. anyway make sure you december people rest well before doing sats and not be like me, was so incredibly slow during the paper coz brain was dead. also, its bloody freezing in the badminton hall when you gotta sit there for hours... so bring a jacket man. nvm out of point its not even december yet man d: okay yeah so have a fun time for the remaining time that we'll be together as a class in school this year as well as have a great hol, whatever's left of it. take care everyone!

ok, the class page seems a little deserted after the storm of blogs that for some reason, appeared at the one time of the year when we should have no time to go online. this is a rather sad attempt to make this page appear more lively.
first of all, the wonderful news. we all passed promos and shall thence ascend into the promising but vaguely threatening and murky halls of j2-dom. (cue: all visitors to this webpage to break into spontaneous applause)
the other piece of wonderful news is that our class efforts at fund raising are pretty much working. despite being thwarted at every turn of our tiny canteen and void deck by other ambitious lollipop, popcorn and lemonade sellers, we have raised an undisclosed amount for which we are happy to have earned. at this juncture, we shine the limelight on the valiant ah-ers running the show and toasting the food, especially the sexy boy xiangwei who did the economic planning. well done.